domingo, fevereiro 18

Present Continuous - regras


1.No geral acrescenta-se –ing. ex: read -> reading

2. No caso de verbos terminados em –e retiramos o –e e acrescentamos –ing. Ex: dance -> dancing

3.No caso de verbos que terminam em t, p, m ou n precedidos de uma só vogal, dobramos a consoante e acrescentamos –ing.

Ex: stop -> stopping     // Swim -> swimming //       run -> running   // admit -> admitting

Nota: No caso de verbos terminados em –el, dobramos a consoante e acrescentamos –ing.

Ex: travel -> travelling

4. No caso de verbos que terminam em –ie, estes mudam para –y, antes de acrescentarmos –ing.

Ex: die – dying  // lie – lying // tie – tying

NOW – AT THE MOMENT -> P. Continuous

Present Continuous - explicação (video)

Clica na imagem e faz download no teu computador!
English - The Present Continuous Tense

sábado, fevereiro 17

Present Continuous - review - interactive exercises

Simple exercises to review the Present Continuous tense. 



(advanced 2)

(advanced 3)

quinta-feira, fevereiro 15

Jobs (Present Simple + Present Continuous) interative book

Learn / revise the vocabulary related to jobs (and the difference between the present simple and the present continuous (BE + V-ing)) with this interactive book !

quarta-feira, fevereiro 14

Present Continuous - online exercises

(Teste online 1 - clica na imagem)

Saint Valentine's Day

Um livro para se familiarizarem com a festa de São Valentim: vocabulário; actividades de compreensão oral; vídeos, músicas... e actividades de escrita! Mrs Haquet in Collège Marc Chagall

terça-feira, fevereiro 13


This PowerPoint-Presentation is aimed to teach some vocabulary on Saint Valentine's Day.
Vocabulary included: cupid, arrow, heart, love (I'm in love), date, girlfriend, boyfriend, valentine, present, flowers, rose, chocolates, kiss.

segunda-feira, fevereiro 12

what is "Pancake day"?

"In the UK, we have a tradition of making and eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, which falls between 2 February and 9 March, depending on the date for Easter. Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday to use its correct title, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent - the 40 days leading up to Easter - was traditionally a time of fasting and on Shrove Tuesday Christians went to confession and were 'shriven' (absolved from their sins). Pancake Day became a great way to use the foods that were given up for Lent – milk, butter, and eggs. The humble pancake has featured in recipe books as far back as 1439."

The popular name for Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day marks the start of the build-up to Easter. It is followed by Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent - a Christian fast - so a custom has arisen of making pancakes to use up foods traditionally given up for Lent.

Pancake Day 2018 falls on Tuesday 13 February in 2018.